2023 “My Tallmadge” Photo Contest
We would love to have your participation in our first ever photo contest!
This contest is being held to give the kids in our community a fun and creative activity to get out and explore our city! Entrees have a chance to have their photo displayed around town in one of our city buildings!
Open to all Tallmadge City School Students grades K-8
Contest ends March 1, 2023
Four winners will be chosen in total. Three will be voted on by a panel of Chamber Trustees and one by a community choice vote. The city buildings where each of the winning photos will be displayed in, will be announced at the 2023 Tallmadge Community Expo on April 15, 2023.
For more detailed information and release forms please click the link below:
2023 My Tallmadge Photo Contest Rules, Regulations and Release Forms